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"Extremely Important"
"Very Likely"
"Very Impactful"
"Extremely Impactful"
"This was a real gift!" - Brenda M.
Pink Cloud Foundation helped her break the cycle of homelessness and addiction and continue on the path of long-term recovery!
Given throughout the year, "Community Partnership Awards" recognize and spotlight the efforts of individuals and organizations that, with a shared-vision, have uniquely impacted our mission-driven work within the recovery community through leadership, volunteerism, fundraising, advocacy, personal stories, and outreach.
We Might Be Able to Help!
Be sure to check out the
Pink Cloud Pets Program!
Minnesota resident, Katy Vernon, wrote "Pink Cloud" about 4 months into her recovery. "I gave up drinking in 2016, but after only 3 months of going at it alone, I realized I needed additional support, so I started AA, and started to read about recovery."
"A friend told me about 'Pink Cloud Syndrome', and I felt like it was disappointing to be told that the great feelings I was finally experiencing were temporary, or not real. So, I decided that no matter what, I was going to celebrate them."
Pink Cloud Foundation is only as strong as the community that holds it up. Together, we can do more than we can do alone, so let's bring our abilities and passions together to affect real change. Please SUBSCRIBE below to receive Announcements and Program Updates from Pink Cloud Foundation. We know how much you hate being bombarded with junk emails every day, so we try to keep these at the absolute bare minimum, aiming to only send out about four per year (not too bad, eh?) Subscribing is a good way to stay updated on upcoming events, volunteer opportunities, important dates, and legislation that impacts our Recovery Community. Joiin Us & Subscribe Below!
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